Things to be stop by pregnant women

It is bitter truth that, as of the old age of women their willing for babies goes diminishing. This week a conclusion upon ‘not being good and complete mother’ by British Pregnancy Advisory Services, women give birth to baby at old age also. Due to career development and family problem, many women are not yet being a mother. Those who are not be a mother yet and do job are called as ‘Part time mother’ as per other women. Many married women are feeling tension because they didn’t fulfill the wishes of father-in-law, mother-in-law, friends and relatives because lack of babies.
Here are the some tips of protecting birth power for those who are in the stage of career development, studies, and other problem.
1. Be safe from s@ex*ual diseases;
One third of the problem related to birth power is affected by s#ex&ual diseases. After this type of diseases, all the bacteria stay inside the s*ex!ual organs of human body. If women didn’t treatment of this type of disease, it will stop the egg of women which carry the tube to the reproductive organ. Women have to check-up at certain period of time even do s%ex(ual activities with husband also.
2. Stop smoking;
Due to smoking, 13% women are unable to become mother and seems like old more than 10 years of their real age. If ladies smoke at teenage, they think it will not affect the reproductive system, is wrong. A comparison of those women who smoke to those who never smoke, they have 30% less chance to got pregnant. It affect the layer into ovary and baby will suffer from different kinds of diseases.
3. Think about acupuncture;
It is useful for the health of human body and it also protect the birth power of women. It reduces the pain at the time of mensuration, produce the egg into ovary of women at time. I also help to through out the neuron chemical from our brain.
4. Eat balance diet;
You have to balance the elements in your body, mainly fat. More weight and less weight both are the causes of not having any baby. For preventing from



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