Agency, April 26 print
Hondale also launch its new compact SUV-BR has. Japanese auto manufacturer in India hondale launch its new SUV's that Creta Kia, Renault Duster, Ford and Maruti bhitara ikosporta brejasamga prataspardha is said to be.
Available in both petrol and diesel engine versions feature Br-Bhima 7 is compatible passengers to sit. Gasoline price 8 million to 75 million 99 thousand to 11 thousand Indian rupees and diesel cough up 12 million 9 million 9 0 9 0 thousand Indian rupees is due.
This 1.5-liter engine in the SUV manual and automatic version is available in both automatic and gasoline vehicles, but it is only.
Its mileage is high, the company said. Petrol version manual and automatic mileage 15.4 km and 21.9 km per liter of 16 km per liter and diesel according to the company.