A remarkable time lapse video has been uploaded on YouTube

A remarkable time lapse video has been uploaded on YouTube and it captures a very heart breaking moment when a snake raids a nest. The snake then devours four eggs in just a matter of moments

Nature-lover Tan Nguyen fixed a camera in a tree over the nest and he was hoping to capture the moment bird eggs hatched. But instead he captured a ravenous snake swallowing all of the 4 eegs and slinking away.
In the starting the video shows the mother bird leaving the nest in search of food and her eggs get unattended. As soon as she leaves, the hungry reptiles wasted no time as it slithers up to the tree and into the nest. He made a very short work of the eggs. The footage was taken from the American YouTuber’s own yard. He said, ‘Found a nest in my front yard and decided to sneak my GoPro close by. Was hoping to see the eggs hatch but instead this happened.’
The video has million of views on YouTube but there are many negative comments regarding the title of the video. For that he had to say, ‘I was extremely shocked when I saw this and wanted to share the same feeling with my audience, hence the plot twist.



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