Bill Gates House in USA

Few of us have the first clue about how we can become a millionaire. Many of us have moved into the life of the middle class, happy with what we have, while others still dream of one day hitting the jackpot. Of course, we can win the lottery or invent the next big thing – but the truth is that most of us will never really reach that elusive millionaire status.Which is why the idea of becoming a self-made billionaire is so fascinating. It seems almost impossible for us common people, of course. But these ten men beat the odds and did just that. They come from diverse backgrounds, some have grown almost in poverty while others were comfortably middle class. However, they all have one thing in common: ambition. Several companies have started young, and it’s impressive that some of these men started on the path to wealth before many of us could even drive a car. Looking at their past and see how far they have come, many of them even make it look easy. But as the old saying goes, if it was easy, everyone would do it.
Top 10 Richest Man in The World 2016
And there’s a reason everyone is a billionaire. It takes a lot of hard work, brains, business acumen, ambition and just a hint of being in the right place at the right time.



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