Blind guy leaf blower prank

Pranks have become the most common thing on the internet. From little kids are adults are making prank videos and uploading it on the internet. Some are hilar!ou$ and epic and some not so much. This is among the funny videos which is hilar!ou$.
This prank was uploaded on YouTube by OTT Comedy. It has been viewed more than hundred thousand times. The video is very funny and truly hilarious. A man acts to be blind and walks up to people and starts using a leaf blower at them.
Some people act unknown and just walk away thinking he is blind but some over react to it. A girl even finds out he is not blind and starts asking some questions and says what he is doping is ru*de. A girl on the other hand is sun bathing and is not wearing any top. The man walks up to her and starts using the leaf blower she stands up half n@ke*d and throws things at her to get away.
A man also is standing with his cycle and the prankster walks to him and starts using the blower again. The man on the other hand gives no reaction and stands there looking at him. Both of them stand there for a long time and as the prankster walks off her looks at him in dilemma. He does the same to a group of friends on the beach and they do nothing except laughing it off. He plays the prank on many other people and their expressions are too hilarious and the video is very fun to watch.



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