British army to stop the recruitment of Nepali lagaunuparchah geso

KATHMANDU, May 10 - Gurkha ex-servicemen Association (geso) to recruit their nationals in the British Army has demanded the government to stop.
Savapati Gorkha Recruitment legitimacy in Kathmandu on Monday by the British Army Nepalese national meeting regarding recruitment has been no treaties without saying that the agreement is not an agreement to prevent their citizens demanded that the British military recruits.
Savapati Britain without compromising his recruitment Nepali citizens in Nepal has said sarvabhaumasattamathikai attack. Padam Bahadur Gurung, president gesoka British army sent his citizens benefit / not said that the government should study.
He then Rana rulers to extend his power without compromise for the Nepali youths to join the British Army, said the government immediately to stop recruitment.
Savapati the first and the second world war, 60 thousand Gurkha soldiers died in Britain in this regard the government should dare to ask for the required information is stated. Nepal British army sent his youth without any benefit gesoko said.



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