Class One monthly fee 28 thousand

Student organization of joint monitoring kathamadaumh Lalitpur yulensa School class is found in one monthly fee taken 28 thousand.
One monthly fee during the inspection on Wednesday 28 thousand taken yulensa school class found Nepal Students' Union spokesman said Lamicchane Annapurna online.
On Wednesday, representatives from the District Education Office and the Parent Association yulensa old school student organization of the school concerning the attention of the operators are charged more.
United Student Organization, including monitoring team monitored the school on Wednesday, Red bungalow. Red Bungalow Class One monthly fee of 25 thousand found Lamichhane said.
All student organizations monitoring team president, student leaders, parent association representatives and representatives of the District Education Office.
Private school fees for the government to repeatedly reduce attention even after hearing the student's refusal to start a school in need of said organization.
On Wednesday, the team monitored two private schools in Kathmandu on Thursday, Lalitpur and Bhaktapur to monitor all school said.
During the monitoring levied by the District Education Office issued a directive, not a private school, the conductor said.



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