Interview with PM K P Sharma Oli in Indian media

India was forced to change its policy towards Nepal under international criticism of a crippling blockade led by Madhesis due to which their months- long violent agitation fizzled out and lost relevance, Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli has said. Presenting a 12-page political document during the ongoing CPN-UML party politburo meeting, party chairman Oli said that India changed its policy of supporting the Madhesi movement following international criticism during the ‘unofficial’ b .. The international community was critical of India’s approach to Nepal and exerted pressure on it, Oli said in his document.”India, then, changed its policy as it could not sustain backing the Madhesis further,” he said.The Madhesis, largely of Indian-origin, launched a violent agitation in September last year when the new Constitution was announced, saying the statute failed to address their concerns.



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