Not easy, Mahatma Gandhi! Slept in the nude through his bhatijisamga

Kathmandu. The British colony of India, India's great leader Mohandas K. Gandhi did not make only free, world peace and non-violence taught a lesson. So, he Bapu India, saints, nation and gave Mahatma gandhijasta nickname. However, Gandhi's life, many disputes have come out.
Most of today's new magazine, news-written the book on him with Mahatma Gandhi in many women have claimed. One of the most discussed Gandhi and the relationship has been Sarladevi. Rabindranath tegoraki bahiniki older daughter, Claire, and also the talk that Gandhi wanted to marry.

71-year-old son, Rajmohan Gandhi, Gandhi writes, married and the father of four children were also Gandhi saraladevisamgako love. Not only that, he was willing to marry saraladevisamga. She was very talented and wise gandhiki Mrs Claire kasturababhanda. He also was an active freedom fighter. However, Mary is not the subject of his autobiography, wrote some.
Meanwhile, Jade Adams wrote in 2010 were mentioned in the book is of Gandhi yuvatiharusamga bathing and sleeping. She married people in their convent gave to remain separate. Lusts and wash with cold water as soon as Gandhi gave the direction.
Gandhi non-violence and peace, as did also his wife has also repeatedly beat Jade Adams book "Naked embisanama Gandhi is included. Z Adams many years my wife has never historian Gandhi repeated sexual contact with his wife beaters have been mentioned.
The book also mentions Gandhi edamsakai not respect his father is. Adams claimed that the hefty book when Gandhi's father was taking his last breath of life, neither Gandhi was jiggling bhuliraheka. He had two British women spiritual marriage. These two women lived in Gandhi's ashram.
Gandhi with his 12-year-old niece and a another woman slept in the nude. Control your desire to do so, also wrote his autobiography, Gandhi, however, have opposed Adams.
Gandhi Holy Spirit to continue the newly his, gave direction to follow brahmacarya. Neither of them was against the idea. Jawaharlal Nehru, the protest would say, it is unusual and unnatural things. This can not be.
Gandhi had lost her son. Gandhi had vacated his son Islam religion.
Z Adams Gandhi also expressed in the British army are involved. Sargent Major of the British army, and the battle was well respected because the government is also mentioned in the book is.
For non-violence and peace always known that inspired Gandhi to Hitler and Hitler repeatedly to write a letter of praise to wish you every success that is also mentioned in the book written by Adams.
Mama came out some time ago that that Gandhi had gay is janmaidieko fears. South Africa bodybuilder Hermann kalenabaka and Gandhi sent a letter to another between these two is the physical samparkabare mentioned.
Gandhi advised the Jews, were dangerous to take collective suicide resolution. According to historian Adams Hitler, Gandhi said, "I have no doubt of your bravery or desabhaktibare, nor do I believe the false promotion of your opponent."



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