Ruthle$$ne$$ for medal

You can not how badly, small children who have not even thought about their future are being treated in China.
Yes, China is treating young children very ruthle$$ly with the greed of winning a gold medal.

You can see in the picture how a 6 year old girl is crying during her training at Children’s School of China. The game strategy of China has been strong since, it first returned to Olympics in 2008. In 2008 Beijing Olympic, China won the most number of medals.

A very $tr@nge thinking has been created among the people that every parent wants their child to participate in Olympics. But they have no idea that their children are being trained more than what their body is potential of.
There training for gymnastic starts at a very young age. In order to become a perfect gymnast, they have to go through a lot of troubles. And that is the reason why parents are hesitating to make their children players. They also understand that giving such torture to children of such young age is not right.



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