Dharan fraud Yadav Bahadur BK 3 Chinese roundabout ransacked operating garekae Om Ganesh Jewellers Vaisakha 10 fake gold on the original is saying gift.I 2 hundred and 50 Rs 31 after police received information gotten underway khojatalasai fastest the world has been able to arrest.
He said land srjanale dharanayastai NGO staff to explain and provide earthquake relief diladine 34 thousand 4 hundred bucks many people saying the victim of fraud on the basis of the complaint is arrested him.
The creation of Dharan 23 arrested Bishnu khadkasanga aienajioko employee relations, said the illegal money he asulekae gasi is bataiekae.
Both women are involved in cheating and fraud under the case under investigation in this regard, said DSP Lahan.