Ward has not ramapurathoksila panisangai great windstorm. 1 to 5 m most ¥ 50 per cent of homes and landslides damage the CPN-UML Chairman Ganesh Basnet said the village party. According to Khanal varapipala secondary school, high school, Koshi, satapatre primary school, secondary school cakrapura, bhacuva Primary School, Saraswati Primary School, Primary School Theatre, Durga Primary School, Rampur Public freak bodinga school information, including on the damage. According to him, due to ramapurathoksilama havahurikai only prtamalala Chowdhury, Padam Bahadur BK, including Dambar Khadka more than 15 houses damaged in the crowded house said Wednesday.
According to the Area Police Office ramapurathoksilaka Police Inspector Mool yet to come as the full story of the more than three hundred houses have been estimated to be.