Tiger @ttack$ man rid!ng an elephant

Tigers are very @ggre$sive creatures. They charge and @tt@ck almost everything they find when they are hu*ngry or during m@ting period. But they try to stay away from hu*ge animals like elephants. The large bodied elephants can easily cru$h the tiger and eventually k!ll it. Being aware of that they try not to @tt@ck an elephant unless it is an infant. Infant elephants are easy prey for the tiger. They are hu*ge and we@k due to which they try as much as they can to @tt@ck a baby elephant when they get the opportunity but also are very careful that they do not encounter an adult elephant.
But the tiger in the video is fearle$s. It is not sc@red of the hu*ge elephant. It slowly walks through the gra$sy field and directly @tt@cks the man riding the elephant as if it was the easiest prey. The man gets $cared and tries to $care the tiger with a stick but the fe@rless cat @tt@cks the man without any fe@r. The tiger b!tes the man’s hand.He bleed$ severely and is in p@!n. The man behind him tries to tie a b@ndage on his hand as the other members look out for the tiger. The elephant too gets sc@red and starts making no!$es. The people get thre@tened and start taking out guns to k!ll the viciou$ creature. On the other hand the man $hout$ in p@!n. The elephant also makes str*@nge no!ses as the others look for the tiger who has ran away.



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