Woman Recounts shark

23 year old Katie Hester said she felt a pressure on her leg when she was swimming in a trail of fish blood off the Bahamas on the Fourth of July, after spear fishing. She said, ‘I thought it was our friends tricking me.’ But the tug increased and she then saw a 6-foot-long body next to her.
She added, ‘I realized then it was a shark, and I screamed ‘shark.’ I didn’t want them to misunderstand me if I just yelled “help”.
When the shark grabbed her leg, Hester was 6 feet away from her boyfriend’s boat off the coast of Port Lucaya in the Bahamas. She said the shark took its first bite and then another and shook her. Its thrashing her torso, so she grabbed its fin and tried to push it away. Finally she was able to get up the ladder after she swam back to the boat.
She said, ‘“I used all of the adrenaline I had. I flew up that ladder.’
He boyfriend, Max Gluckler said he didn’t know Hester was b!tten until he climbed on the boat, he swam back out to $care the shark away.
He said, ‘It was bad. It grabbed her in two big bites. One was like hamburger, all ragged. The other one you could see the bone on her calf and on her shin.’ 27 year old Gluckler works on oil boats in the Gulf of Mexico. He said that he has extensive first aid training. He put pressure on Hester’s wounds and urged his father to race the boat back to Port Lucaya, 30 minutes away.
Hester said that by then, it was hu*rt!ng her pretty bad and she also did not look at her wounds for fear of fr!ghten!ng herself. Later an ambulance came and gave her some stitches. Her boyfriend says that she did a really good job. Hester is recuperating at Gluckler’s Port Salerno home and said she should be able to walk again in three weeks.



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