Yoga, or even science is to walk 15 minutes to forty eight hours sleep a deep sleep, and sleep is the same. Yoga science it 'yoganindra' called.
According to the author the owner omanand yogadarsanaka popular guru you 'yoganindra' nirantara went into practice, day 23 to 23 hours of your life can easily be used for any other purpose.
Russian scientists working yoganindra I mean enkatiya coskile the Mahabharata, Arjun nindrajita to learn the truth about yoga need to study, sleep, had to start the search.
Let your body and svasaprasvasaprati unconscious person during seals that he had discovered. Yoganindrama freshness or relaxation is felt. He also connects the body are some of the center reference. Pelbhis our body, navel, neck, or between the two eyes, where such a center vein and tantuharuma the wave runner.
Owner omanandakaanusara unconscious person during sleep as dehaatmabodhabata free life. The main part of the brain, or 6 cycles of merudhandako streams are active. It takes four to 5 hours for this position, but came to "such a situation comes yoganindrama forty minutes, which allows you to delete rest and work fatigue.
Is yoganindra?
Yoganindra means a form of yoga disciplines, which you can learn from yoega Learned. Yoganindrako practice in a short time you will incur the end of tiredness. You can continue to practice more than forty minutes sleep a night can enjoy heatstroke. By doing so, you are free from stress and fatigue you.