Due to this reason people gets thin

The reason of getting thin first is food. The lack of nutrition, interest on food, not eating food for long time, eating less can lead you thin. Energy is wasted a lot and energy is saved less so people gets thin. Being fatter is not good but you should have weight according to age and height.
Similarly hormonal disease like diabetes, thyroid, respiratory disease etc lead you thin. The person with depression, heart problem too gets thin. Infection, TB, HIV, Cancer etc too makes people thin. If you are suffered from cancer than the cancer cell produce cancer hormone. Due to this hormone the weight gets decreased. The cancer patient has least digestive energy so they don’t feel hungry more due to which the cancer patient gets thin.
Thyroid are of two type hypo and hyper. Hypo thyroid increases weight an hyper thyroid reduces weight. Due to hormones on hyper thyroid the patient gets thin, which increases the heart beat and metabolic rate.
Baby who are born before time than they are thin. They development cannot happen good. Their digestive power is less and they are thin due to genetic condition. Baby who has lack of nutrition are thin. So you need to care about the diets.
You need to consult the doctor when a person is getting thin gradually. This may happen due to the hormonal disease. Fat people does dieting due to which they loss lots of weight. While dieting the energy that the body needs is less. People who does exercise needs 2100 calorie and the person who doesn’t do exercise needs 1800 calorie per day. When the calorie is less than the weight loss goes on negative flow. Dieting should be done on balanced way.
The people who are thin has less immune power. Vitamin and minerals makes the immune power more. If this is less in body than the cells of the body doesn’t work properly. Even on child diarrhea, malnutrition and contamination does take place.



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