Maoists happening at the same time a foot and a jute

Kathmandu-Maoist movement, the Communist Party has been seen intihasama durlabhai the event. This movement, at the same time it has become a foot and a jute. Rumour was a central member of the comment, "while another partition of unity that was.
Friday meeting of the Standing Committee meeting of UCPN-M movement, a foot and a decision taken to open the way for jutaka. Prachanda stressed unity before all this came maovadidharaharuvicako.
However, on Friday held meeting of the Standing Committee led by Mohan Vaidya Kiran whole CPN Maoist revolutionary unity, unity, despite the possibility that only the clouds of Ian Secretary Ram Bahadur Thapa has concluded.
UCPN-Maoist decided to take initiatives for unity
Speaking at a program in Lalitpur on Friday vaithakapachi Standing Committee of UCPN-Maoist Vice Chairman Narayan Shrestha said that the clouds would only unity. Duwachour Maoist movement opened the way to a foot and a jute.
Physician without the party unity is: Narayan
This will be a foot and once together
Vaidya-led party, the UCPN-M to about unity were not different. The doctor stopped the way for unity, saying the Unified CPN-Unity course badalapaksale has been forwarded. Taking a few steps to the doctor whenever such a group held in the cloud will be victims of the division. The Maoist movement will be another foot.
The procedures for different party structure had not been with a group of vicchedagarepachi cloud. This group and is to be integrated maaovadivica Convention Organising Committee. It will be the Maoist movement, a unity. The doctor closed the door of the party unity niskarsasahita cloud his leadership to be increased by unity courses.
This will leave before the doctor's democratic revolution and the reactionary constitution to accept the union can not go by themselves were clear. Maaovadile integrated line of socialist revolution has proposed that the current constitution is accepted by .comrade-kiran-and-comrade-badal
Last April 12 the deadline to run from 22 physician-M Central Committee meeting about different opinions have had lamented. Do strengthen unity in favor of the doctor after preliminary meeting was adjourned for a month. Natungai political-ideological unity that is not a physician can not.
Unity Physician Group transitional political-ideological and organizational planning process, the ongoing integration process of making preparations ahead of the cloud group. Labor Day is April 1 9, by means unity process and take concrete decisions to prepare the message is the same day.
Pillar for the group by one point toward the decision will be taken to the doctor Maoist re-division game. This was before the Bikram Chand procedures for divorce. But, now that he was not a doctor, suggested Prachanda unity and the source of pressure is claimed.
Maoist unity of internal unity and overall about 14 cloud point after a new proposal to start a signature campaign had vaidyamathi pressure.



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