So far from the smell of sweat caused by the ...

So far from the smell of sweat caused by the ...
 Published Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2073 Time: 13:00:08
Summer season is your kakhilagayata other organs, too, when the stink? Also common method by which you can keep on your problem. Of course, the only way to come to the armpits stink to keep it as dry as is. But when the heat of the sweat is a truism, pasinasamgai bacteria out of the body niskincha, who swims when the stench.
Otherwise, in fact, no smell of our sweat is not smelly bacteria that is. Therefore, in order to avoid or overcome these bad bacteria can be natural and domestic measures.
avoiding upayaharu
1. Common sarasaphai body odor caused by bacteria pasinasamgai bad and come out even, which regularly clean background. So 2 times a day in summer as nuhaunupardacha, though at least the most strenuous body should come clean organs.
2. Choice of clothing we wear clothing that makes it different from the stench of sweat and volume. Dark-colored synthetic clothing can not reflect the sun's Kiran and puts himself by absorbing. Because of clothing which begins to grow inside the body temperature and sweat comes. So in warm weather and white cotton dress must Jain. This ability to absorb moisture, and the skin kapadasamga to help ventilation.
3. Our skin will be healthy khanebani pasinagranthilai kyaphina (coffee, chocolate) the active ministry. Therefore, when the heat of coffee, chocolate, spicy foods, alcohol, fats, guliyo and the stench of smoke intake will also decrease the body goes through.
4. The stench of sweat came out because all sorts of parphyuma roller, big spray should not be used. Because it affects our skin, the small holes of the sweat and tears to stop production brings, which is a very dangerous thing. Yes, even the stench of sweat dries come, but the body through the sweat of throwing out all disorders, which can not pass urine and the other way. Therefore, the most appropriate is advisable nalagaumda Perfume.
Domestic Preventive Measures
5. Is an accurate way to bring the bacteria to remove the stench of kagati lemon is. In the afternoon when the sun came out and cut a lemon much sweat come out, and for the place dry, rinse with water. Doing so will not sweat wiped, but the destruction of bacteria and odor sweat- saves avoided.
6. Basil and basil and the ability to fight bacteria nima also nimasamga, which is found in our round. Basil and neem leaf beaten by nuhaunubhanda sweat- where he and a few minutes Leave lepnuhos. Nuhaunuhos dried. About 2 weeks, will be able to see the results yourself.



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