Do not forget that whenever any of these five working dinner - See more at:

Do not eat any of these five tasks whenever tear
Kathmandu - knowingly or unknowingly, many mistakes in our daily life to truly due to a direct effect of which fall into health. We eat food whenever that such actions do impact on health. Today we'll talk about food and drink should not eat immediately after eating.
Food khanasatha nasutnuhos
Digestion of food takes some time. So whenever nasutnuhos food, if food and Intestinal infections may increase gas whenever slept said.
smoking not drink
Smoking is a bad habit of drinking in itself, that creates a problem with the heart and breathing. Acting on advice of medical experts said while the other ate a cigarette and drink is ten times dangerous. It also kharata cancer.
Food whenever nanuhaunuhos
During washing their hands and feet are an active state, which greatly increases blood circulation these prostheses. Continuing circulation of hands and legs and abdomen affect the digestive process.
When eating fruits up
As soon as the habit of eating fruit to eat, then remove from today. The fruit diet is not the intestines tasincha and better digestion. Eat fruit after a meal parleys is considered beneficial.
Stay away from ciyasamga
Tea leaf is high acidity. This will affect the digestive process protic. So two or three hours after a meal only drink tea.



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