Handless girls driving by feet

Parmila Ahikari, March 2, 2016 – Absence in the life always tastes bitter. Everybody wants the life to be happy and abundant with everything. It is human desire that they want their lives be fulfilled in every aspect. But there are also some of the people who are termed themselves as the extraordinary people. It is not because they have everything in sufficient. But they lack in their lives but still the lives are happy and lively. In this case, the video here is related to two women who have lack their both arms but did not forget to live their lives in happiness. They are living their lives as a normal and ordinary person does. But for a normal being, the life lacks arms through which they can do everything. But these two people never felt that they have lack their arms. Since they can do the works as other do. They use their legs instead of arms. For more detail watch on video..  - See more at: http://www.aajakokhabar.com.np/news-details.php?nid=3964#sthash.oIkYunmB.dpuf



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